Friday, 21 August 2009

How to sell art online

Today I wanted to write a little something about sending art. By that I mean the parcel the end cusotmer receives through the mail. this links in with my last post in terms of consitance and image. When I order off eBay I expect much of the time to get a parcel which is rapped in newspaper with selotape and string. But when I order from a major its like amazon I know the parcel will be packaged neatly and will not be in dangour of getting broken in the post.

I thing to do is to find a supplyer of postage materials, one that meet your requirements and can be supplyed at a price that is right.

second thing to do its to push your identity. You have a logo or icon print it onto stickers or get a personal stap made.

keep it simple
Dont over rap the parcel, this will make it look bad and will mean the clint cant get into it. Try and get self selling packaging materials if posible.

1 comment:

  1. Than you s much for the very useful tips about selling art work online. I will keep these tips in my mind.
